
Discover potential risks with Citrix Analytics and Clipboard

To meet the needs of a fast-growing, distributed workforce, organizations have rolled out virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) with a goal of improving employee productivity and the end-user experience.

While these IT strategies have provided immense benefits in terms of infrastructure cost savings, flexibility of provisioning, scaling of corporate apps, and ability to provide quick IT access to end users, organizations are at risk of potential breaches and threats of data loss. Mergers and acquisition activities have added to the threat mix, creating access risks from unmanaged endpoints and third-party contractors or task-worker users.

These risks can lead to breach incidents that can damage businesses, exposing them to financial liability, damaged reputation, and costs and employee effort related to legal audits and incident responses.

Top of Mind: Data Exfiltration Risks

A key security risk for VDI and DaaS security is the threat of data loss from screen capturing and data transfer to and from other endpoints using cut/copy/paste controls. IT security executives are also concerned about data leakage risks on VDI deployments and are looking to solve for four key requirements:

  • Protecting company intellectual property and mission-critical data from leaking from VDI environments
  • Balancing labor and privacy law expectations with a data collection mechanism without compromising visibility
  • Realizing more value from existing VDI platforms with vendor-native data events, collections agents, and fewer tool deployments
  • Deploying data control and audit measures with block, alerting, and audit policies in the context of VDI sessions, users, device postures, and access for full risk-surface coverage with SOC tools and monitoring

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